An application can be submitted by: Emailing it to

Times Available to Volunteer

Please take a moment to tell us about yourself so we can better understand your experiences, skills, and interests.

List Your Employment/Training Background:


Interview/Orientation/Training: Upon completion of this application, all potential volunteers are required to attend an interview which will include orientation to HMAS. On the job training will occur once the volunteer is placed in a program/service area. Confidentiality/Privacy Agreement: All volunteers are required to sign confidentiality and privacy agreements and must always abide by this agreement. This agreement applies to information or knowledge regarding members, staff, other volunteers and any EMAS business and/or financial information. We reserve the right to refuse any volunteer applicant. HMAS Community Services volunteers are included in liability insurance coverage but are not covered by Worker’s Compensation.

Clear Signature

Hebret Mutual Aid Society, Inc

7961 Eastern Ave NW Silver Spring, MD 20910 – Email: